Sunday, December 29, 2019

4 Signs Youre Stuck in Your Comfort Zone- The Muse

4 Signs Youre Stuck in Your Comfort Zone- The Muse4 Signs Youre Stuck in Your Comfort Zone- The MuseYou regularly check off assignments and you keep your boss happy. You often feel busy- even stressed- at work. At the end of the day, you come home and crash. These are signs that youre working hard and killing it in your career, right?Not so fast.While you might think youre challenging yourself and moving toward your goals, you could be confusing daily frustrations and roadblocks for actual growth. You could be living smack dab in the middle of your comfort zone without even realizing it.That may bedrngnis sound so bad at first, but if you stay there too long, its easy to get stuck in a rut. Our worlds shrink or expand based on our willingness to do things outside of our comfort zone. While this growth can feel uncomfortable, it often is whats needed to propel you forward.Unaya if youre happy where you are or holding yourself back? Consider how long these four things have remained unc hanged1. Your PaycheckDid you accept a salary offer without negotiating? Have you been working year after year (and meeting all expectations) without asking for a raise? Warning You are totally in your comfort zone around your paycheck.What to DoChallenge yourself to ask for more. Attend a salary negotiation workshop or consult with a coach to boost your skills. Ask for a meeting with your boss to discuss your performance, and bring your courage along with concrete examples of your accomplishments. Youre going to feel nervous (Everyone does). Push through it. The plan is to grow your take home pay, but even if youre told it cant happen this time, youll have more experience standing up for your amazing work to build on in the future.2. Your NetworkYoure attending industry networking events, going to your companys social events, and staying in touch with friends. But are you putting any time toward connecting with people who feel totally out of reach? How many industry leaders know yo ur name? If the answer is none, youre networking within your comfort zone.What to DoMake a list of those people in your industry whom you admire and would absolutely love to meet. Then begin actively working to make a connection. Ask around to see if someone can make an introduction for you. Attend an event where theyre speaking and follow-up. Do a cold reach out over LinkedIn (Heres how). You may get rejected a few times, but if you stick with this goal persistently, you could start a relationship that boosts your career.3. Your To-Do ListTheres a difference between reactive tasks and proactive tasks, which are just what they sound like- things you do because they fall into your lap, versus what you seek out to further your goals. Emails the biggest reactive task of them all. If your whole day revolves around it (especially, at the expense of your other work), youre prioritizing work thats there, regardless if its meaningful.What to DoIdentify one project that is high value to your organization and find a way to proactively put it into your day-to-day task list. Make sure you prioritize it over less-significant work. Initially, it may feel unsettling to leave an email unanswered for- gasp- an hour, while you give something else your undivided attention. Over time youll get better at maneuvering the balance between important, non-urgent tasks and all those unimportant things that demand your attention.4. Your Career GoalsDo you know what your career goals are? If so, are these goals that you personally care about- or are they ones that you attached to for the sake of it? This may be something you need to take some time to reflect on, because while it can be hard to see it at first, its possible to work very hard towards something that you dont even want. For example, you may be dedicating all of your time to advancing in your current career, but if you were honest with yourself, you know youd actually rather be doing something else. Its also possible to drift through your career without setting any goals at all. If either of these are happening, you are likely sticking with the familiar instead of pushing yourself towards growth.What to DoSet aside others opinions and recommendations, and dig into what actually matters to you. What would be both compelling and challenging for you? Pick a goal that you dont totally know how to accomplish, commit to it, and watch your abilities and confidence grow as you work towards it. This could be a small step like taking an online course or a larger one like launching a side business what matters is that you feel its supporting your desired career trajectory.Comfort zones are sneaky because they feel, well, comfortable. Obviously, Im not suggesting you push yourself to do scary, uncomfortable things every moment of every day. But I will encourage you to add some productive discomfort to your routine. When you push outside of your comfort zone, youll know that youre doing more than just busy work. Youl l be actively growing your skills, your confidence, and your career.Photo of relaxed person courtesy of Hero Images/Getty Images.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

November 2017 Jobs Report Summary

November 2017 Jobs Report SummaryNovember 2017 Jobs Report SummaryNovember delivered a stronger jobs report than most economists had expected, with employers expanding payrolls by 228,000 positions, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Monthly job gains have averaged 174,000 since the beginning of 2017, for an annual total of nearly 2 million positions.According to the BLS, the industries that created the most jobs in November includedEducation and health services - 54,000 jobs addedProfessional and business services - 46,000 jobs addedManufacturing - 31,000 jobs addedConstruction - 24,000 jobs addedUnemployment rate holds steadyThe unemployment rate in November was 4.1 percent, which is unchanged from October and a 17-year low. The unemployment rate for college-degreed workers who are 25 or older was 2.1 percent - up slightly from last month but still about half the national figure. ansicht workers are in highest demand by employers.Other data from the BLS indicat e that skilled workers are hard for employers to locate. There were 6.1 million job openings in September, according to the latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary (JOLTS). That number is little changed from August. The JOLTS survey also noted that job openings in the United States have been at or near record high levels since June 2017.What employers need to knowIf your organization needs to fill an open role, youll likely have your work cut out for you. Youll face intense competition for skilled professionals in hot sectors like accounting, finance and technology. The BLS reports that unemployment rates for many in-demand occupations are well below the national rate. For example, the rate for compliance officers is 1.1 percent. For software developers, its 2.0 percent.In this challenging market, hiring managers should be prepared to answer tough questions from potential hires. Top candidates are taking care to thoroughly evaluate job offers - especially if they have more t han one opportunity to consider. More candidates are asking about healthcare benefits and costs, as well as job flexibility. Be proactive about offering details on your firms employee benefits package and programs designed to help staff maintain work-life balance.What job seekers need to knowThe end of the year can be a great time to seek new employment opportunities. Many companies are working hard this month to secure the talent they need to help achieve their business goals in the new year. Some organizations are under pressure to hire right now because they need to use the remainder of their hiring budgets by December 31.So, if youre thinking about making a career move, dont wait until January. Get out there now and start looking. Reach out to your professional network for leads and references. Better yet Reach out to a specialized recruiter. These professionals can identify promising opportunities that fit your skills, experience and career goals and help put you on a faster pa th to an interview. Let us help you find the right fitREQUEST TALENTSUBMIT A RESUME

Friday, December 20, 2019

8 Personality Traits That Are Eroding Your Time Management Skills

8 Personality Traits That Are Eroding Your Time Management Skills8 Personality Traits That Are Eroding Your Time Management Skills Time management is a skill we need in life and work, and if you often find yourself run down by your daily workload or overwhelmed by the complexity of projects and tasks in your life, it is likely because you have not fully mastered effective time management, suggests Matt Mayberry , Maximum Performance Strategist. When it comes to work, your lack of time management can be a significant issue, leading to overdue projects, piled up work, and missed deadlines. Avoid the following eight things that are eroding your time management skills so you can eliminate the causes and be the best version of you in the workplace. If youre trying to move forward in your career or make a good impression at a new job, the time to identify ansicht issues is now.When you forget how to say no to projects and tasks, its easy to drown in your work and lose al l sense of time management. With too many due dates to manage, it becomes impossible to find focus, which is critical to time management. bedrngnis to mention, by saying yes to everything, you lose the ability to work on things you care about By saying no, you are giving yourself the ability and bandwidth to say yes to the things that are more important, says Craig Jarrow of Time Management Ninja . Clutter leads to a whole host of psychological issues that take a toll on time management. Psychology Today suggests a few ways that lack of organization can be a deterrentClutter and lack of organization holds your mind hostage. Rather than prioritizing what needs to get done, youre trying to fend off mental fatigue, stress and anxiety, making time management nearly impossible.Brain breaks are one the best ways to manage your time. When you become burnt out on a project, your productivity slows drastically, you lose interest in what youre doing, and before you know it, youve wasted 20 minutes staring at the screen wishing you werent at work. Brain breaks help you avoid this issue and have been proven to improve productivity by 34 percent, according to Unplug After Hours and Increase Productivity . This allows you to better manage your time and be more effective.When youre perpetually running behind schedule, its impossible to manage your time effectively. When youre late to work most days of the week, or slow to start on a project, your first thought isnt managing your time, its more like How quickly can I get this done because Im already so behind?Goals provide structure to your work every by giving you a prioritized list of things to get done Your goals help you to identify your priorities. They outline what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it by and the importance of the task, according to 11 Symptoms of Poor Time Management .The author continues, Goals are an essential way to reduce your workload and reduce your poor time management. Not on ly do you become clearer about what you want you become more certain about the tasks and projects which are not a good use of your time.Similar to a lack of defined goals, without a to-do list, its hard to structure your day. The key to time management is being able to prioritize tasks and a to-do list is the best way to do that, ensuring you get everything done. If you do have a to-do list, but still struggle with time management, your list may be too minimal or basic. When you add times and specifics for each item, youll be more successful. For exampleWith these details included, you know exactly what youre doing and the timeframe for each task, which helps you stay on track.When everything needs to be just right, you tend to lose control of your time because you focus so much on one project or task that you ignore the others. While its important to produce work that youre proud of, letting go of small issues that can be fixed later or ignored altogether allows you to make time for all the other items on your to-do list. Everywhere you look theres a distraction or time-sucker on your computer (hello, Facebook), in the kitchen (quick chats turn into 20 minute conversations) and in meetings (which seem to go on forever). With distractions and interruptions, its hard to get into your workday effectively Distractions prevent us from achievingflow, which is the satisfying and seemingly effortless work that we do when were 100 percent engaged in a task, explain experts at MindTools .Are any of these a regular issue for you in the workplace? Identify whats stopping you from being good about time management and then eliminate the cause so you can focus on getting more done effectively and efficiently.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What 15 working moms REALLY want for Mothers Day

What 15 working moms REALLY want for Mothers DayWhat 15 working moms REALLY want for Mothers DayChances are, if you ask your mom what she wants for Mothers Day, shell probably tell you that she just wants her family to be together and happy. While such sentiments are sweet, we think your mom deserves a little more.You know, the good stuff sleep, chocolate, a massage, and several hours where she doesnt have to scoop, wipe, sweep, wash, or do any other of the millions of mom things she does on a daily basis.With Mothers Day around the corner, we asked working moms - p.s. ALL moms are working moms - what they want for their special day.Common themes included sleep, professional cleaning services, fun times spent with family, and the ability to sit for longer than a nanosecond without being beckoned to help someone. But more than anything, these moms just want to feel appreciated.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.So, check out their responses and take notlagees. Then find out what your mom desires most on her special day - and give it to herTo have my house professionally cleaned. Caitlin ShoeI have asked to have my car detailed for the past several Mothers Days. So far, no luck. Maybe this will be my year Bronwyn Hays CroleyTo have my house professionally cleaned, and maybe a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep. Dana LlorenI know that no matter what we do, I will still have my normal role, i.e., if the kids get dirty, I will be the one to bathe them. So, with that being said, Id like to make getting dirty worth my while. A day trip to Galveston beach (expensive seafood lunch, too, please) sounds pretty good My husband - a civil engineer - works 12-hour days 12-13 days in a row, so a day trip is a special use of our time together. Marissa TerryAs the mother of a six-month-old I want sleep Heidi HamblinI want to be truly thought of. I want my kids a nd my husband to do anything under the sun, anything at all, that will show me they thought about me who I am, what makes me smile, what gives me joy. They could do something as seemingly small as turn up a JT song or make me a cup of tea as its not really the act that moves me, its the thought. Jodie UtterIll be 35 weeks pregnant with my third daughter. My other girls are 3 and (almost) 2, and all I want for Mothers Day is a pizza brunch with my family, a snuggle sesh with the hubs while the girls nap, and a vanilla Dr. Pepper. Arianna FreelenA nap Carolyn MooreThis year I would love for my house and car to be professionally cleaned. But more than that, I just want to spend the day with my people doing whatever we feel like doing that day when we wake up. Abbie DunlapTo not hear the word Mooooooooommy ONCE. For the whole day. Emily SolbergSleep would be lovely, especially if my two-year-old would not stand outside my bedroom door and yell Mama, mama, mama when Ive gone back to bed after getting up early with him. (My husband is more than willing to take him but cant really stop the yelling). A really lovely day somewhere with family would be nice too. Shannon Brescher SheaFor time to slow down so I can hold my babies a little longer. Nikki PenningtonA day of not having to answer when someone yells mom, and to just sit on my butt and enjoy my family while my husband answers the calls- even if he DID just find the perfect position on the couch. Debra PrestonI would LOVE to just spend Mothers Day with all 4 of my babies doing something outdoors that we all enjoy Mandi CurtAll the dirty white socks that have inhabited places I cant find to show up all at once clean and folded and in their proper drawers Lisa LeshawHappy Mothers DayCandace is a practicing attorney, working parents advocate, freelance writer, and proud mom. Her legal practice focuses on workers rights. She can be found writing about law, motherhood, and more on her blog as The Mom at Law. This article first appeared on Fairygodboss.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Foolproof Executive Resume Samples 2018 Strategy

The Foolproof Executive Resume Samples 2018 Strategy New Ideas Into Executive Resume Samples 2018 Never Before Revealed In the end, get somebody else to inspect the letter before you send it off. You are able to leave every one of them as is or customize just a little bit so as to bring a personal touch to the presentation of your candidacy. Any resume is a marketing document, which you have to do the just one thing to offer your candidacy in the best and trustworthy way. You should understand, that resume format is crucial, as it can boost your odds to get invited for an interview. Not only are you going to look bad, but it will haunt you down the line with other future prospective employers. Whichever service you select, I cant overstate the worth of employing an expert job resume template. Some students dont understand the significance of an effective rAsumA. By inverting the modell color scheme, your resume is more inclined to stick out from the remainder of the applica nts in the same stack. New Questions About Executive Resume Samples 2018 Additionally, you may pick from three different color schemes to genuinely allow it to be unique. Create the contact Info tab After making the page, you require, to start with, your contact data in the very first area of the page. All you have to do is add your details. Your resume must be filled with all the data that you want to convey about yourself to advertise yourself. Put the Education section of your resume on top of your resume so that its the very first thing the employer sees. Furthermore, you can look for secretary jobs on Monster. You should modify each resume that you send out depending on the work description. If youre smart enough to tailor your resume to the work description, it is easy to direct the interest of the recruiter to where you would like. Employers are the same manner. Recruiters find the absolute most value if they can understand your career progress and the way you hav e evolved as a professional. Concentrate on the skills the recruiter is searching for. The Fundamentals of Executive Resume Samples 2018 Revealed The work description might also earn a difference. You know you have the ideal gown, perfect hair, and an ideal body prepared for the pageant. You have earned a job that you love and nows the opportunity to make it occur Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Outstanding job growth will undoubtedly be typical regarding the phlebotomy technician punkt over the subsequent eight to ten decades. Hiring managers are busy people and youve got a limited time to draw their focus to your candidacy. Simply because youve got zero experience or its your very first job. It is very important to view your work search as a constructive and satisfying experience. Well, it all comes down to how you use your keywords and what sort of design you want to provide it. Selecting the proper font can look to be an imp ossible job, especially since there are dozens and dozens of choices out there. Possessing a great resume format is vital to organizing your data in a means which will help you become noticed. parte of creating an effective resume is choose the best format to inform your private story. For instance, the great majority of heel pain is because of an injury of a ligament in the arch known as the plantar fascia. Because you wish to provide a good deal of attention to both, you might not have much room left for different sections, including a resume summary, volunteer work, interests, etc.. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. For some jobs, youre want to highlight certain abilities, while for others, you will want to demonstrate related experience. If youre likely to be a team player and an excellent employee, interperso nal skills are unquestionably vital. Since you wouldnt have a great deal of expert experience, it would be hard to group your resume points into skills. Concentrate on future by mentioning your previous accomplishments and the way in which your experiences can help you in future. Hiring managers are busy people and should they scan your resume and cant locate some information or skills fast you arent the one, whod secure a call today Teamwork is critical to any great organization, and the capability to demonstrate leadership in a team is a trait lots of hiring managers prioritize. Recruiters are interested in being in a position to evaluate your abilities quickly, therefore a great resume design is important to getting noticed. What Executive Resume Samples 2018 Is - and What it Is Not The upcoming free resume template was made in the shape of a brochure. The absolute most hard step here is to choose which resume format is best for you. Well, the very first step is to begin with a format for a resume 2019. Selecting a resume format in 2019 isnt as difficult as you expect. As previously mentioned, you wish to opt for a resume format thats suited to your personal profile. Just take a look to discover which format you need to use. By deciding on a template, you dont need to be concerned about the format itself. When you format your resume you need to ensure your leave enough margin space to permit for printing.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Retail Resume Example Ideas

Retail Resume Example Ideas Theres no need to begin your resume from scratch. When you end up completed, its submitted and additionally you cross your fingers, hoping to find a cellphone name. Download those now and edit depending on your requirements. The only means to do that is by looking different. View the objective section for a place to highlight your abilities and accomplishments as opposed to a wish list for the kind of position youd love to have. Your Key Skills section is where to list your soft and difficult skills. The regions of proficiency section incorporates strong special education certain keywords like individualized education plans, multisensory lessons, and team teaching strategy. To start with, one of several sections that should be altered is the work objective. Employers know youre searching for work, and therefore you dont need to waste valuable space on your resume stating the obvious. Most employers are incredibly picky when it regards the choice of employees for a work opening. Take into consideration that HR personnel of the majority of companies are excellent on the topic of detail. They want to know how you contributed to the success of your previous employers. Remember that nearly all employers proper now will choose candidates for a work emptiness primarily based on what is on their resumes. You want to have that retail job. The brief answer is you ought to incorporate any social media that may help you win the job. To begin with, search the work description. The goal of your retail CV is to demonstrate that youre a dedicated and capable employee whos great for the retail position youre applying to. Its also where you are able to stick out from the rest of the applicants. Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. You could also take a look at teamberater resume templates. For more guidance, utilize the simple retail resume template at the very top of this repo rt. Add in your own personal information according to our guidelines much like fill-in-blanks. There are several kinds of retail stores and a few of those are 2. To make an eye-catching retail sales associate resume, you will need to incorporate a few vital components. It is not the most glamorous job, but it is sometimes a solid alternative, particularly if youre passionate about just what the store carries. Consulted sales saks on the most recent styles and trends. Resume samples are a handy means to direct your own writing. You wont be able to raise the probability of a sale if you dont have sales samples or skills. If you prefer the image on our site, please dont be afraid to visit again and get inspiration from all the houses in the image of our internet image. The most suitable format ought to be there in addition to the sort of writing. No matter your degree of work experience, your resume format is critical to making your application stick out. Resume templates may also be very beneficial.